Sneak Peek

close up of a Twinkle block
shown with sashing
February 2023

Here’s a sneak peek of the blocks I was sewing last week. The blocks are large (16.5 inches) and fun to make. 


  1. You do such beautiful work!

  2. So pretty! Love this one - it looks so soothing.

  3. Wow! What a beauty.

  4. That certainly is a nice big block.

  5. That star block is one of my favorites. I have an old quilting book by Eleanor Burns (remember the Quilt in a day lady?) with all kinds of stars. Over the years I've made a few of the blocks to go in sampler kinds of projects. I should get that out again.

  6. Isnt that an impressive block! Nice work!

  7. I sure like what I see so far. Very pretty! — Sara


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