Nighttime Knitting

Even with all the sewing that's been happening recently, I'm making progress on another scrappy Silver Lining hat. Most of the knitting is being done at night while watching movies on the tubi app. I've used six different sock yarn scraps so far on this hat, and I like the results. 


  1. I really like it too. It looks like it will be a warm one!
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. That will be good for either a man or a woman. It reminds me of Zauberball Crazy.

  3. It is very relaxing to do knitting in the evening before sleep--and look at what you have accomplished!

  4. Beautiful! We watch Tubi quite a bit - there's a lot of good stuff on it.

  5. It's great to use up those little balls this way.

  6. Beautiful hat! I've never heard of Tubi. I'll have to look into it. There certainly is nothing on regular TV that interests me anymore. Most nights I sit and watch people knit on YouTube which is getting pretty darn boring.

  7. That's so pretty. Nice to see you knitting again!

  8. Is that Zauberball? Because I love that yarn!


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