This photo from Simply Sock Yarn's Facebook page made me laugh out loud. 


  1. This fits me so well - just swap fabric for yarn of course. As I was putting away some of my purchases from our trip to Arizona, I was again thinking there was nothing that I actually REQUIRED - except maybe to just enjoy it. LOL Guess we aren't hurting anyone as we buy yarn and fabric!

  2. Isn't that the truth. I can't stop buying sock yarn even though I have a ridiculous amount. If you had asked me when I was 20 if I would have a giant bin of sock yarn under my bed I would have said you were nuts. But there it is.

  3. Phew, mine either! It's a good thing!

  4. That did make me laugh out loud and I showed it to Dennis and he even laughed. After all, I bought 9 more skeins of sock yarn while in London. :-) Becca is close to Betsy, but not close enough to count.

  5. Perfect. And can I say my name is Jane not Becca. Ha.

  6. I wish I knew how to send this to my good friend whose name IS Becca! I am still laughing.


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