Giving It a Whirl

pinwheels ready for block assembly
August 2020

A week ago, I sewed HSTs into pinwheels during the weekly FaceTime chat, and on Sunday, I worked used the pinwheels to sew quilt blocks. An earlier post revealed the errors in the pattern, but I decided to make the blocks with the fabric that I had cut even though quite a bit of fabric would be wasted. 

During Sunday's call, I completed all seven blocks and prepped another set for future sewing sessions.


  1. There is something about pinwheels that always makes me smile. This will be a lovely quilt Nancy!

  2. Pinwheels are such a cheerful block, in any size. I went back to look and see what the finished blocks will look like. Very pretty!

  3. I love them! I tried to make one the other day and it was not good. I just don't have the knack.

  4. They turned out beautifully and they look like fall to me.

  5. Nancy. You can multi task! ! Must come from being a Teacher!! What do you think of all this change in the education world right now? I'm interested in your thoughts

  6. These look like they are all ready for assembly--nice job; the colors will play beautifully together!

  7. Your pinwheels look good. So, are these the original size pinwheels or are they the smaller pinwheels. I'll wait to see what you do with them. Knowing you, you've got a plan and before too long they will be in a quilt top.


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