Tiny Needle Tuesday - Zeke

photo taken in 2019

Zeke's mom, Stephanie asked her grandmother to stitch this photo of her precious little guy. Marilyn has stitched many photos over the years for family and special friends. She seems to love the tiny needle as much as she does making quilts. 

Marilyn stitched the graduation portraits of her grandson and granddaughter, special gifts, and wedding portraits for Stephanie and one of her friends. 

It would literally take me years to complete one let alone several of these pieces. 

June 1, 2020

It was fun to watch the image appear on the fabric. 

July 13, 2020

Marilyn sometimes stitched during our Sunday FaceTime calls. 

August 2, 2020

Zeke's stitchery is finished and ready for framing - a work of love and certainly an heirloom. 


  1. OMG that is amazing. What a wonderful gift of love to Stephanie and her family. How does she get the pattern? Please tell Marilyn thanks for sharing her beautiful picture. And thanks to you too.

  2. That is truly awesome. What patience!!!!

  3. It is amazing how detailed that stitched piece is. It is a perfect representation of the original photo. What a work of art!!!

  4. She's captured that sweet face so perfectly. Wow! It would take me years too. I used to do a lot of cross stitch, but my eye sight just frustrates the process now days.

  5. Oh WOW! That is a gorgeous photo, but the stitched piece is simply amazing. Marilyn is certainly a gifted stitcher. What a work of love and what an heirloom. Thanks for sharing Nancy!

  6. That is incredible! What patience. I am in awe.

  7. I have NO WORDS!!!! I'm in awe. Amazed and incredulous. And those words still don't do this justice. I've never seen anything like it. What an incredible gift of love. How did she do it?

  8. How beautiful, Marilyn is so very talented. Such a wo derful family heirloom made with so much love.

  9. That is beyond amazing!
    It's called thread painting. You use single strands from 6-stranded embroidery floss, and you have a bunch of colors going at once. I only know this from reading. I could not possible do it!

  10. Amazing!!!! What a treasure for years and years to come! She is an artist.

  11. That is absolutely amazing and beautiful! Hugs,

  12. Incredible. This is so amazing! I have no words. What talent!


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