Summer Sunshine

August 2020

Summer has been glorious this year - warm days, cool nights, and occasional thunderstorms. I love Laramie in the summer!

* It’s been smoky the last few days (fires around Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado), but even that can’t ruin a wonderful summer. 

** Does anyone remember this rhyme? Whether the weather be fair or whether the weather be not, whatever the weather, we’ll weather the weather whether we like it or not. 


  1. I'm envious of your Laramie summers and am glad that the fires are not hampering your enjoyment of the season. I had forgotten that rhyme. Thank you for sharing it. I may have to share it at the sale barn where weather is ALWAYS the topic of the day. :)

  2. Cute rhyme which I don't remember at all. And pretty sunflowers. We are finally getting the warm (not hot) days and cool nights. Perfect! And my little brother DID mention the fires - smoke is in the air in the Boulder area.

  3. I don't remember that rhyme, but probably will going forward. Last weekend was lovely. We've had a lot of humidity this summer and I don't tolerate that very well. So I feel like I've stayed inside more than usual. I haven't even been going out on the porch with my coffee and newspaper in the mornings lately.

  4. So glad you are having a good summer and enjoying the weather. I have never heard that rhyme:)

  5. You are so lucky. It has been the worst summer here in memory. Hot, muggy, name it. It's been awful.

  6. We've had similar weather in August. July was extremely hot, with lows in the upper 70s.

  7. I hope the smoke doesn't bother you too much. I'm anticipating we'll get some smoke from the Northern Cali fires sometime soon.

  8. I'm glad you are enjoying great summer weather! I remember my gramdpa saying that--he had tons of sayings but I could've only quoted the last line!

  9. Lots of smoke in Wyoming today...can't see the mountains.
    Here is another rhyme from a song:
    What the *ell's the weather - As long as we're together...

  10. sounds like you’ve had a great summer. We're happy that our weather has dropped from the 90s to the 80s. It was really nice tonight on our walk. Fall's coming but I’m sure it'll be super hot Gain sometime in the next few weeks.

  11. That's adorable. I've never heard it!

  12. No I have not heard that one before. The Gaillardia is a beauty!

  13. I have never heard that rhyme before. I feel much the same about Spokane summers. They are invariably beautiful. It's rarely too warm to sleep comfortably with the windows open although the smoke is starting to appear again.


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