Scrap Dance Twist - clue #4

forty four-patch blocks completed
April 2020
Originally, the clues for Scrap Dance Twist were scheduled to be released monthly, but due to most of the country being under Stay at Home orders to flatten the COVID-19 curve, the clues will be released twice a month on the first and third Fridays.
project basket with completed clues and fabrics
cut for future clues. 
I'm happy to have two mystery quilts in the works and pleased that I'm keeping up with the clues.


  1. She is probably smart to release the clues closer together since folks seem to have more time to keep up. This one is going to have a really rich look in those colors. I was going to really focus on UFOs but got distracted with Bonnie Hunter's Unity mystery. But that's OK because those UFOs will still be there.

  2. That must be so fun! I would love to participate in something like that but I can't even finish what I have here.

  3. What a nice way to keep busy :)

  4. Smart lady to release the clues closer together. So many people are bored. Not me! I still don't have the time to get everything done that I want to do!

  5. That was nice that they did that. Keeps you plenty busy. I still think that beige and blue is the prettiest color combination.

  6. You are so good!!! Browns are not my faves but I bet you make me love brown. Everything you touch is awesome

  7. Oh, how nice to have the clues more frequent! I love the antique look of the sepia/blue--great choice of colors!

  8. I really love the blue and beige together. Glad you are enjoying your mystery quilt-alongs!


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