This cartoon brought back memories of the tricks students tried to play on my substitutes.  Over the years, I learned to be very specific in my lesson plans to reduce the shenanigans.

Did you or your classmates ever trick a substitute teacher?


  1. One time I had a sub for a meeting I had to attend out of the school and when I returned my kids had taken EVERYTHING off all of the bulletin boards and had gone home with most of my supplies. It seems the sub feel asleep in my rocking chair and the kids had the time of their lives. I laugh about it now but it wasn't funny back then.

  2. I can't say that were every played tricks on the Subs, but we frequently gave our bus drivers a hard time!

  3. We hardly ever had subs, and when we did I think we were too afraid to do anything that would get us in trouble with our regular teacher!

  4. I was a goody two shoes back in school and wouldn't dream of acting up, but some of my classmates did. It always frustrated me because the entire class would be punished for the deeds of a few. I've never agreed with the group punishment thing. I know the idea is that the group will pressure them into better behavior, but that never seems to work, at least in my experience. The misbehavers were usually the bullies that none of us would dream of going up against.

  5. LOL - great cartoon. I was pretty calm and laid back in school. Plus, I really enjoyed it, so I didn't try to play tricks on the subs or the teachers.

  6. I WAS the substitute teacher.

    While I don't think I ever got "tricked", there certainly was a bit more minor misbehavior. Like the time Doug hung lizards from his earlobes like earrings. :::shakingmyhead::: LOL

  7. I don't remember tricking the sub as a student. But it sure happened in the schools I've taught in. When I announced my retirement, one of the superintendents in the area asked if he could put me on his sub list. I said "not a chance!". He just laughed.

  8. I also subbed and I kept a short leash so this wouldn't happen to me! lol

  9. We didn't dare. The nuns would have killed us!!

  10. yes we all sat in different seats from the seating chart:)


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