A Reminder . . .

sign on the side of a package liquor store
Laramie, WY
May 2019
I had to smile when I saw this sign on the side of a local package liquor store. It's a humorous reminder for Mother's Day and also for those who don't know what to give their mothers for the holiday.

I'm sure there's some truth in the sign's message.


  1. LOL - this is great!! Love it. Have a nice weekend Nancy - hoping you are not getting hammered by snow....

  2. Amen.
    I needed the hard stuff after spending the weekend with all my kids at Son's wedding. I love them but oh, man...not all in one room for three whole days.

  3. That's hilarous! Thanks for the laugh this morning. I hope your snow has stopped.

  4. Lol.... though my Mom prefers a honey-brown lager!

  5. Very true! This mom likes skinny girl margaritas!!! Cute cute sign

  6. Funny! I had to send this one to Chris!


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