"Let the Little Children Come to Me"

Zeke's Baptism
Ft. Collins, CO
May 19, 2019
Yesterday, I drove to Ft. Collins for a special occasion: my great-great nephew was baptized. He was born on St. Patrick's Day to my great niece and her husband - their first child, and my sister's first great-grandchild.

Friends and family came from three states (Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming) to celebrate. I love when families gather for happy occasions.

Welcome to God's family, Zeke


  1. Welcome little Zeke! You've got a GREAT family!!!

  2. Welcome to God's family baby Zeke! So glad you got to go to the baptism:)

  3. What a sweet pea! I hope he can get to know his loving, extended family.

  4. What a sweet photo! I am glad you got to be there!

  5. How nice that so many people were able to attend and celebrate little Zeke's welcome into God's family. Take care with snow predicted for you yet again. It's the never ending winter. 26 at the lake this morning. Brrrr.

  6. Wonderful that so many family members could be there to celebrate. Our most recent family gathering was a funeral unfortunately, but those happy events like weddings, baptisms, and graduations are just the best ways to gather!

  7. Such a lovely day to welcome the little one to the family. I bet you had a good catch up with all the family too. Congratulations to the young family.

  8. St. Patrick's Day for a birthday? That is so cool!

  9. It's great to attend family functions a great time for family to catch up,it looks like a fun day xx

  10. Nothing to take for granted when family can gather together for such a happy occasion for a change! How nice to get to meet your great-nephew!

  11. I love it when families gather for happy occasions, too. Glad you were able to be there. :-)

  12. What a lovely way to welcome the newest addition to the family and how very special that you were there to celebrate with them!


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