I Spy . . .

a glass full of reading glasses
Loveland, CO
May 2019
The first thing I noticed in the restaurant was the glass full of "cheaters" at the register.

I asked the hostess if they had been left by patrons, and she said, "Yes." However, no one has inquired about retrieving the reading glasses they've left behind. The cheaters are often loaned to customers who have difficulty reading the menu.


  1. How funny it that....just take your pick.

  2. I love this. I can never see to read the menu in dark restaurants even with my regular glasses on.

  3. What a clever idea. With a sense of humor as well.

  4. That is a great idea! Many times I forgot my readers at home and couldn't read the menu. Now that I wear them all the time it's not a problem anymore.

  5. Too funny! I often have to share my glasses (that I always wear) with my DH who still struggles with readers but always forgets them! lol

  6. Definitely funny. Although a nice service for their patrons.

  7. What a fantastic idea! I can not count the number of times I've had to read the menu to my husband because he didn't bring his readers into the restaurant, or the number of times he has brought... and left them.


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