Getting My Ducks in a Row

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Perhaps you noticed that I didn't have any posts last week. I used the time for annual appointments and for getting my "ducks in a row" to update my will, trust, and other important documents.

If you don't have a will, advanced care directive (living will), organ donation authorization, or a trust, I encourage you to seriously consider preparing the documents. Yes, the attorney fees may be considerable, but not having the documents may cost your family more than money - I know from experience. I've been through an ugly struggle twice - once after my mother died and the second after my brother died.

"Things" and money carry different weight with individuals, and those family members you think you know will turn into completely different people when property and money are involved.

Don't risk having an estranged family after your death: get your ducks in a row!


  1. Don't I know it!!! The Mister's mother had such a terrible will it took us over a year to get it straightened out. While we were working on it family members were fighting among themselves as to who got what. What a mess. It almost made me glad that Medicaid took everything Daddio had. It was pretty cut and dry.

  2. We just updated our wills and power of attorney and more last week. We dropped off copies of everything with both of our girls on Saturday, which seemed to freak them out a little. And we're working on finalizing our long term care policies. As an only child I didn't have anyone to fight with when my parents died 8 months apart. But I also didn't have anyone to share the burden of care for them, and handling the minuscule estate after they were gone.

  3. We should probably update our wills but they would be the same ( we did them when the girls were still minors)...the Living Wills are on file at all the health care places we go. So I think our ducks are lined up okay.

  4. Good advice for all!! Missed you last week.

  5. Thanks for the reminder. You are SO right about all of this.

  6. Excellent advice-money and things sure can bring out the worst in people, unfortunately!

  7. I was concerned about you and was about to email you to say, "what's up". So glad it was just ducks!

  8. I had noticed your absence; glad you were just taking time off to get things done. Good advice!

  9. Good Advice Nancy. i was hoping you were on a nice vacation. These lessons are important for all of us. Once a are still teaching

  10. Vera mentioned you had gone missing for a bit .........

    We just did all those things the other day. Good advice.

  11. We did ours last year and it was much more involved then we expected although we did ask for certain protections. A recently widowed friend was talking with a group of us today and oh my, the weird things that happened after her hubby's death. She couldn't take his phone off of the cell service, cancel his credit card or sell his car without having proof of death. He evidently was the primary person on the accounts. Lots of stuff to be done after he passed.

  12. Good advice, we have ours done but do need to do a update.


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