Digital Cleaning

from Google images
When I see a knitting/quilting pattern that I like, I save it on the computer. If I see a clever idea or tip, I save it on the computer. After years of saving and organizing these patterns and files, it was time to see how many of them still appealed to me.

I've been working on this digital cleaning process for several days, and I'm slowly making progress. I've discovered multiple copies of some patterns. I found patterns that I'm sure gremlins must have saved, because they designs were hideous. One by one, the patterns are previewed and a quick decision made - keep or delete.

The "knitting" files are finished, and I'm moving on to the "quilting" files. From there, I will move to other crafting files. Once the craft files are reduced, I'll tackle the photos, the health files, and . . .

Do you save patterns on your computer? How do you organize them?


  1. Ha! Love the cartoon. I keep patterns (free and bought) in my Ravelry library. I do need to clean that out.

    I also have patterns, tips/tricks, ideas in binders. I got rid of at least half of that stuff some time ago, but it could use another clean-out.

    My cross stitch stuff is all paper (and threads of course). A few years ago I went through that and donated two very large boxes to a guild in NC.

  2. I just keep downloading a pattern over and over again. I need a cleanse!

  3. I only have a Chromebook so storing things means the the Cloud and I hate the Cloud so I never store things anymore and you know what? I don't miss it at all. If I buy a pattern I print it out and stick it in a folder in the stash closet. I do need to trash some of those. Most of mine are in the "what was I thinking" category.

  4. I used to print out every pattern I liked with plans to organize them in binders... that quickly got out of hand. Now I just save them on the computer but it's a giant hodge podge. I really need to make folders (socks, cardigans, baby blankets)

  5. I have four three ring binders for patterns that I use most often. I cleaned those out last fall. I also save patterns on Ravelry in my library but I always print them when I make the item.
    My downfall are recipes. I save them to my computer all of the time and then NEVER make them. I always fall back on my tried and true recipes.

  6. Yes, I think you are doing a great job but it is a time suck!
    I save them on the computer and keep them in their own file folders to try and organize them. I will get rid of them, too, every few months.

  7. Ive got to erase photos!!!!!! altho someone just asked me from photos from 2 years ago, so good timing on that!

  8. I rarely save quilt patterns but I do snap photos when I see an interesting design or color scheme and those go into an inspiration album on my iPad. I keep track of the knitting and crochet stuff on ravelry using the library or queue feature.

  9. What a great topic to discuss. Yes, I keep quilt patterns on the computer. Mostly I take screen shots of quilts I like. They sit in a folder for inspiration. Recently I went through and purged what no longer interested me. I have a big folder for more quilting ideas although there are
    more detailed files in it: large quilts, baby quilts, mystery quilts, block patterns. If someone has an online tutorial without offering a PDF I’ll sometimes copy and paste it into a Word document so I can figure out how to make the project. Surprisingly, I’ve found I can sew from directions on my IPad so I don’t always have to print out my pattern. Interesting to read what people do.

  10. Generally under a bookmark called KNIT PATTERNS


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