Lest We Forget. . .

Arlington Cemetery
Spring 1995
Memorial Day was not created to host BBQs, to go camping, or to enjoy a three-day weekend: it was established to honor those who paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedom. It's a time to proudly display the flag and to wear red poppies. It's a time to pause and utter a prayer of gratitude for those who died to protect our freedom.

Traditional observance of Memorial day has diminished over the years and many Americans have forgotten the meaning and traditions of the day. At many cemeteries, the graves of the fallen are increasingly ignored or neglected. Most people no longer remember the proper flag etiquette for the day. (excerpt from usmemorialday.org)

How does your community observe Memorial Day?


  1. Apparently by giving veterans and first-responders a discount on a used car. :-(

    I get so bugged by people thanking a veteran for their service today too. It's for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Let's let THEM have their day and we will celebrate all the veterans on (guess when) VETERAN'S DAY!

    Thank you for your beautiful photo. It makes you reflect on just HOW MANY gave their lives and continue to do so.

  2. Thank you Nancy for the reminder and the beautiful photo! I was thrilled this morning to see flags flying up and down our street, even on neighbors houses that do not ordinarily fly the flag.

  3. All of the communities in our area have Memorial Day programs. About 4 blocks from our house is a large vacant lot on a corner that every year is filled with hundreds of American flags all lined up, which are displayed Memorial Day and July 4th, and Veteran's Day week. I love driving by there.

    We spent this holiday weekend helping our daughter's family move from Rapid City back to Sioux Falls. I went and picked up the 4year old on Friday, they followed on Saturday after the moving truck finished. They headed in to SF yesterday to clean, and the movers unloaded this morning. So we headed in around noon to help unpack - and deliver the 4 year old. Just got home and am worn out.

  4. In some ways I think we have gotten better at recognizing the high cost of freedom that has been paid with the lives of men and women in the service of our country. We could always do better, though, especially on Memorial Day.

  5. There is a program at the high school with a band, a speaker and a chaplin. They honor the fallen and those who died during the year and the soldiers in attendance. Then a wreath is thrown in to the river to honor all fallen Veterans, then they go to Veterans Memorial Park where taps are played. It is a moving ceremony.


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