Foreign Friday

Judy Loxtercamp, Nancy Stearns, Judith Kravetz
Southern Japan
April 1980
A group of DoDDS teachers toured Southern Japan in the Spring of 1980. Two of them (Judy L. and Judith K.) were colleagues of mine in Misawa. I can't remember what Judy L. taught, but I think it was Physical Ed. Judith and I were the Language Arts department at Robert D. Edgren High School for two years. She was from Georgia and had a contagious laugh.


  1. It's nice that you have some pictures that you are included in, too. Love it!

  2. I love seeing you all. Lots of big hair in the 80s I had it too!!!

  3. You've had such interesting travels! I hope to go back to Europe one of these days - knock wood and fingers crossed.

  4. My first thought was ----- look at that 80's hair. Then I looked at the date on the photo. Yep --------80s hair. LOL

    Mine has always been more like yours --- short and timeless.


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