Back in Time - Moving Day

Mary Kay Richard, Paula McDaniel, Susan Youtz
Wheatland, WY
approx. 1975 or 1976
This is one of my favorite photos from my six years in Wheatland - a photo with lots of details and emotions. It was taken the day that my good friend, Susan moved out of the little, white house she had shared with Mary Kay for several years. Mary Kay was a speech therapist and Susan was a physical education teacher in Wheatland. Paula (also a physical education teacher) was Susan's friend from Upton who visited often, and came to help Susan move to Newcastle.

Susan and I often went to nearby Laramie Peak with Dan Brecht, a teacher who grew up in the Wheatland area and knew the back roads well. Dan often drove his little red pickup on our treks, and because it didn't have a radio, we sang belted out old songs for hours and challenged each other with Hink Pinks. We usually stopped for a picnic lunch at Esterbrook or visited Vick and Mary Ballard's ranch, sometimes bringing them supplies from town.

A few months after the photo was taken, I moved out of my apartment to share the house with Mary Kay. I lived there for a year before I purchased a mobile home, where I lived until I left Wheatland in 1979.


  1. What a great photo and story. What are HInk Pinks?

  2. I had to smile at the Hink Pinks line. My family played that. Hinkety Pinketies were the toughest!

  3. I can only imagine what fun all of you had. We had some young teachers sharing rentals too. Teacher pay was so pitiful it was probably the only way they could make ends meet. But some have remained friends for decades now.

  4. LOVE the foot on the shoulder. ROFL!!!

  5. I loved the photo and your memories. Thanks for sharing! The photo reminded me that the seventies were a simpler way of life. We accumulate so much "stuff" that moving is very different these days.

  6. What a great photo and memory story!

  7. What a fun photo - I love photos that evoke such treasured memories and I especially love that you take the time to write them down Are you still in touch with the girls?

  8. Have you kept in touch? They look like fun friends!! :)


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