Quilt of Valor Ideas

waving flag block
A patriotic quilt made by Beverly Hall caught my eye at the Winter Carnival Quilt Show in early February. I snapped photos of the individual blocks and may replicate them later. When I got home, I realized I didn't take a photo of the full quilt. The individual blocks were creative and inspiring.

star heart

star and stripes

star flag

Jacob's Ladder

I don't know the name of this block. Do you?

The waving flag and the star flag are my favorites. Which blocks do you like?


  1. The star flag caught my eye first. But I have this "thing" for stars, so . . .

  2. I love the heart the most ! They are all really lovely Nancy

  3. Oh I like them all. I think the heart, the jacob's ladder and the waving flag are my favorites :)


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