Foreign Friday

Hong Kong street scene
Hong Kong
December 1979
I can only imagine how congested Hong Kong is today. It was an amazing place in 1979, and as this photo illustrates, the variety of shops on the street was diverse. I felt safe as I wandered the streets snapping photos.

Previous posts with photos and references to Hong Kong can be seen here.


  1. Wow, look at all those signs.

  2. This is the image I have when someone says...Japan.

  3. All that signage! Oh my goodness. Yes, it makes one wonder what that street looks like today.

  4. What a great photo. I wanted to go to HK really badly when I was a kid.

  5. I've seen photos of the Hong Kong streets and I always wonder how people can live in that. Then I go out to our main street which is being widened to four lanes over the next two years and it's like living in Hong Kong!

  6. I've always been fascinated by the signs crammed on top of each other, and the vague awareness that whole businesses actually exist under those signs... I am such the small-town, country girl!

  7. That's just how I imagined downtown Hong Kong would look!


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