Back in Time - Boots by the Door

Rich's irrigation boots and shovel
approx. 1982
Usually the shovel was kept in the pickup or on the four-wheeler, so I'm guessing Rich was planning to check the cuts and the progress of the water near the house. My nephew's boots and gloves are by the milk can. Some years, three or four pair of boots were on the step, depending on who spent the summer at grandma's house.

Mom grumbled when Rich wore his irrigation boots in the house because they usually had mud on them, but more often than not his socks were wet, too.

I can almost hear Rich say, "Well, I'd better go out and 'stir the water'.'" A previous post about Rich and irrigating can be seen here.


  1. Wow, that photo evokes memories of times past!

  2. It's so interesting how a picture of boots and a shovel have such a rich back-story and detailed memories.

  3. Interesting ways farmers irrigated their crops. We left our boots outside on the step too when we wore them, in the summer it was just easier to wash our feet:)

  4. I still leave my boots beside the back door when I garden. It must be our heritage. I think there is something about boots by the door that says, "A hard working family lives here."

  5. What was the bell rung for? dinner? lunch?

  6. We always had "boots by the door" too, but they were inside the door. My dad was a firefighter and his boots were *ready to go* right inside the front door. Boy did they STINK! LOL

  7. this is sure a testimony to farm life - even today I'll bet there are lots of boots by the back door

  8. I would've gotten in so much trouble if I lived on a farm.

    The frame of the last photo is really nice. You could hang that somewhere.

  9. I used to love listening to the pumps running at night, the rhythmical sound coming through the open windows with the breeze. Those pumps were dangerous too so maybe it's good farmers have gone to a center pivot.

  10. Love that wagon wheel! I still have my rubber snow boots from grade school long ago in WI.

  11. I'm guessing this picture was really just a quick snap shot. But someone did a great job composing the pic. Very nicely done.

  12. What a great photo and post. I bet a lot of people have memories of something similar enough...


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