Back in Time - Milk Truck

Milk Truck
Spring 1978

If I remember correctly, the milk truck driver moved over to the left to pass the County grader and the truck sunk into the barrow pit. My brother had to pull the truck out with a tractor.

On the right, I can see the open door of my Mom's Dodge Swinger.

Photos of other milk trucks can be seen here.


  1. Those milk trucks are carrying heavy loads so this probably wasn't an unusual occurrence. My cousin drove a similar truck for a couple of years when he worked for our local cooperative creamery in my home town in Minnesota. I also worked there for awhile in high school, but in the office processing payments to milk and egg producers that were coop members.

  2. Good thing you guys had a tractor! A Dodge Dart Swinger was my first car. I couldn't understand why my dad wouldn't buy me a Datsun 280Z because, honestly, at the time they were priced pretty much the same. (Ok, it might have been a different number 260?270? but it was definitely a cute little sports car.)

  3. I laughed when I saw the photo because when we were driving along and my dad would drive over a pothole he would say, "I'm sure glad that milk truck was in that hole." Great picture Nancy!!

  4. Nice of your brother to come to the rescue!

  5. We see a lot of milk trucks around here with two dairy factories in our town. I've yet to see one stuck tho, so nice your brother helped him out.

  6. Oops! Hope the milk didnt sour!

  7. Hardly ever see a Milk Truck anymore:(

  8. Good picture! I don't see milk trucks anymore, either. This picture so reminds me of the life in our rural area in the 60's and 70's.

  9. Once in a great while, I'll see a milk truck, but the big dairies are west on the interstate by a good bit. Even then, because they are BIG DAIRIES, the trucks are the tractor and trailer size. I miss having a local, hometown dairy.


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