Back in Time - Autumn's Colors

Golden color
Sybille Canyon near Wheatland, WY
Autumn 1976
When I was teaching in Wheatland, I often drove the backroads to find bursts of Autumn color. The winding road through Sybille Canyon never failed to provide opportunities to pull over and capture the colors of Autumn.

Crimson color
Sybille Canyon near Wheatland, WY
Autumn 1976
Autumn is a fickle season in Wyoming: sometimes snow flies before the plants have a chance to show their splendor; other times, color provides a glorious display that lingers.


  1. You know how Mother Nature is. She likes to give a surprise every year ......what will you get? Snow? Color? LOL

    Autumn colors are timeless ---- one day I must get back north so I can enjoy them for real.

  2. We went to New Hampshire one year and every turn was a picture waiting...such beautiful colors.

  3. I hope snow won't come early this year and you'll get to enjoy some pretty fall leaves.

  4. Gorgeous photos!! Took my breath away. Fall is my favorite time of year and color is the main reason. The sky even looks like a deeper blue when the colors are so vibrant on the plants.

  5. I'm enjoying looking at everyone else's color. We have a bit here and there, but next week or so should bring peak... unless it's as unremarkable as last year.

  6. Pretty fall colors! It's such a treat if the leaves get a chance to turn here in WY.


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