Foreign Friday

Samurai Armour
Japan 1980
The armour displays I saw in the Kumamoto Castle were intriguing. My only exposure to armour was from my history classes which focused on the armour worn by knights in England and Europe.
You can learn more about Japanese armour on Wikipedia.

Samurai Armour
Japan 1980


  1. This armor is designed to have mean/tough facial expression, which I find interesting. I enjoyed reading through the info on Wikipedia as well. Thanks for the history lesson! It must have been quite a task to connect all the plates of armor to fit a Samurai. Do you suppose men did all this work? Did women have a hand in it?

  2. I think it's pretty scary-looking. Can you imagine trying to ride a horse with that stuff on?!


  3. Would not like to run into that in a dark alley.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  4. Amazing and scary!! That would scare the enemy to death! The armour appears to offer a great deal of protection. I wonder how it would hold up to a full-on attack.

  5. That armor seriously creeps me out. It looks so fierce for an inanimate object.


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