Dressing Up

Dwight M.
My nieces and nephews commonly spent their summers on the farm. They had a great time working with Grandma Rosie and Uncle Rich in the dairy barn, in the fields, and in the house. They even had time to do some crafting, playing games, and joking around.

The photo, shown above, is my nephew Dwight. As a gag, he tried on an old wig, and we added Grandma Rosie's stockings, shoes, coat, and even her purse. I grabbed an old hat from the closet to finish the ensemble.

Brenda M. and her Dad (Harold M.)
approximately 1977
I wish the quality of this photo of my niece and her dad was better because it is a priceless scene. The dress and veil were worn by my two sisters on their wedding days. Brenda's bouquet is a bunch of red, plastic roses that belonged to Grandma Rosie. Note the shot-gun at Harold's side to carry out the illusion of a "shot-gun wedding."


  1. Everyone must have had a good laugh when they came out dressed up like this.

  2. Love both photos! What fun. See... things like that make me think the whole costume thing could be fun.

  3. What wonderful memories! My kids loved playing dress-up, too.

  4. What fun pictures. I'm sure the kids have fabulous memories of those summers. g

  5. Dwight M is hysterical. You always show us such fun things and INteresting images Nancy!! BOO to you

  6. Those photos are a hoot, especially the rolled stockings!! My Grandmother used to roll her stockings that way. I have more than one photo of her in her sensible shoes and rolled stockings. Thanks for a good laugh!

  7. Love playing dress up!

  8. Those photos are hilarious, especially the second one. I have no idea how he was able to keep a straight face.


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