Simple Woman's Daybook

Monday, March 2, 2009

Outside My Window. . . are the makings for a beautiful spring-like day. To the east is a faint glow of gold: the sun is breaking the horizon; to the west, a bank of clouds signaling a change in the weather - a storm or maybe just wind. On the air is the faint smell of damp earth.

I am thinking. . . of the month ahead and of the projects that I am planning.

I am thankful... that winter's grasp is loosening.

In the kitchen... the water for my tea is sputtering on the stove.

I am wearing... a yellow top and khaki pants

I am creating... the final (it is possible?) pair of socks from the scrap yarn bag. One sock is passed the gusset, and the other just had the heel turned.

I am planning... to do more sewing this week. I have more baby blankets to make and some taggy ribbon blankets with the scraps. I want to finish working with the flannel before the end of the month.

I am reading... Forever Odd by Dean Koontz. I am making slow progress.

I am praying... my doctor can give me some answers on some recent concerns. I have an appointment today.

I am hearing... the neighbor's pickup idling. It's comforting rumble reminds me of a purring cat.

One of my favorite things... Fitted Sheets. How on earth did people manage to keep a bed made without them? I am certain the inventor must have been a woman.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week. . . a) volunteer shift and doctor's appointment today, b) delivery expected tomorrow of a necessary item, c) knitting night, d) judge at a local elementary school science fair on Thursday. (I've never done that before so it will be interesting.)

A quote worth sharing. . .

The cure for boredom is curiosity.
There is no cure for curiosity.
~ Dorothy Parker ~

~If you'd like to participate in The Simple Woman's Daybook (each Monday), you can visit The Simple Woman's blog here. To get instructions for participating, click on The Simple Woman's Daybook icon in her sidebar.


  1. Hey Nancy...
    I hope your appt went well:))
    Hope you got answers..

    Have a great week:)


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