I Miss. . .

Every day we move forward, and we must leave things behind. Sometimes those items are eagerly cast aside and promptly forgotten. Other times, traces linger in our subconscious and flutter and flicker in our mind's eye. Today, it seems appropriate to begin a list of things that I miss.

I Miss. . .good, clean entertainment on television and in the movies - shows without blatant sexual scenes and excessive violence and profanity.

I Miss. . .the age of innocence when children were encouraged to play and be creative. As a society we force children to grow up too quickly.

I Miss. . .seeing the world through the eyes of a child.

Many of you are probably too young to remember Art Linkletter, but I always loved the final segment of his show: Kids Say the Darndest Things.

Enjoy this reflection of what used to be and what I hope still exists somewhere. . .


  1. I sure miss the simplier times. Children were so innocent. Thanks for bring back memories!

  2. I'm old enough to remember that show. It's still good after all these years. Thanks for putting a smile on my face today.

  3. I remember that show, it used to be on every afternoon and we would watch and LAUGH!!

  4. I'm laughing at these wonderful and CLEAN memories, with not one explosion, curse word, etc. How dear! Thanks!

  5. Oh, Nancy, I laughed until I had tears streaming down my face.

    I remember watching that show as a youngster, and loving it.

    Your post was excellently written!

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