Chutes & Ladders

Remember the game, Chutes & Ladders?

I remember begging my sisters and brothers to play the game with me before I started school because I enjoyed playing it so much. I wish I knew where the game board was because it would fun to frame it and hang in it my house.

This Oddball blanket (knit with the Checks & Ridges stitch) has been named Chutes and Ladders based on those great times I had as a child.


  1. another wonderful blanket! I also like the idea of framing the game board you used to play on. Too bad you don't know where it is. I've framed many interesting items. I'm far more likely to get rid of something new than something old (which begs the question, why buy anything new then? I don't so much anymore).

  2. That's a nice stitch for a blanket. I like that it's reversible.

  3. Nancy! You've given me a great idea! I still have the old games my kids played with when they were small, some of which were the very ones my brother and I played with when we were kids. I never thought about framing them. Brilliant!

    Oh, and I love that blanket, too! ;-)


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