Foreign Friday

Snow sculpture
Sapporo Snow Festival
Sapporo, Japan
February 1980
A couple of weeks ago, I posted a close-up of this sculpture. Today, I want to give you some idea just how large the sculpture really was. Note the snow structure to the left of the sculpture. That was over 10 foot high.

Sitting next to the towering figure was this large sculpture of a sitting gentleman.

Other Snow Festival photos and posts can be seen here.


  1. Wow! That really takes the idea of snowmen to another level, doesn't it?

  2. Questions? How cold was it? Is the snow trucked in or man-made? How long to these last? It looks like these are outside so I would guess it had to be winter?

  3. I can't believe they are made out of snow! So beautiful.

  4. These sculptures are SO REMARKABLE!

  5. That's a lot of snow! And, a lot of amazing sculptures.

  6. Such detail! Amazing what they can do with snow. I'm guessing they wet them to ice them over?

  7. Amazing artistry and so fleeting really. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Each and every time Im' impressed by the snow sculptures you show Nancy!

  9. Absolutely amazing. I'm fascinated by the time and effort put into the meltable art. Thank you for preserving it in photos and sharing them with us!

  10. Snow sculptures how amazing is that! :)


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