My Safety Net

As a teacher it was imperative to wear green on St. Patrick's Day. My collection of pins kept me safe for years.

This pin is my favorite.


  1. Oops, I forgot to wear green today. The Snoopy and Woodstock pin is my favorite.

  2. I enjoyed seeing your collection of pins especially since I have always been a BIG celebrator of St. Patrick's day! All of your knitting projects are admirable too.

    blessings to you,

  3. Those are very cute! My husband was saying he misses his old job on March 17th because the boss there would make corned beef and cabbage. I tried one year but it was such a disaster that, well, it's best I leave it alone.

  4. Nancy..Great Idea..Pins..That way you were sure to have on some green :))

    Hope you enjoyed the day..


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