Step Up

Step Up
60 x 66 inches
Quilt of Valor #241

The blocks for Step Up were made by Sherry G. in NY. She is a generous quilter who makes nearly 400 blocks a month for various veterans' projects. I was fortunate to connect with Sherry, and she sent 84 blocks to make two Quilts of Valor. Thanks to Sherry all I had to do was square the blocks and sew them into a top.

Sherry surprised me with another package of blocks (90 in this shipment) last week. I need to find more time to sew to turn Sherry's blocks into more Quilts of Valor.

Thank you, Sherry for your generosity!


  1. Oooooooooooooooo....very pretty, but it makes my eyes go a little wonky. LOL

  2. Very handsome quilt. When I first looked at it, it looked deceptively simple. I think sewing it would be more complicated than I originally though. It was really generous of Sherry to send so many blocks. As a wife, daughter, sister of veterans, I thank you very much!
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. That is very pretty. She is very generous to share so many blocks. - Sara

  4. It does look like stair steps, but also like Dee, it makes my eyes twitch!! LOL

  5. 400?! Wow....that is very impressive.

  6. Oh my what a awesome gift.....and you did great with it.

  7. Isn't this a perfect quilt--love the use of fabric and your setting!

  8. Isnt it wonderful that multiple people can work together making these Quilts of Valour.

  9. Wow! Sherry is amazing. Your quilt is also amazing. It's wonderful that quilters are working together on these quilts.


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