Charge It

Multi-device Charger
Ivinson Hospital 
Laramie, WY

This charger in the waiting area of the hospital had several different plugs to accommodate a variety of digital devices - Apple and Android. I’ve seen chargers in public areas but they only had USB ports and not the plugs themselves. 

Have you seen similar multi-device chargers in your community? 


  1. I haven't. I think it would be awfully easy for someone to walk off with the cords. But it sure is nice to have it available.

  2. I haven't seen one anywhere but it's a good idea especially in medical settings.

  3. I have not seenone either - but it is a great idea!

  4. That is really thoughtful to provided the cords too. I haven't seen anything like that here. Just airport charging stations with no cords, you must have your own. A medical facility is the perfect place to have them though, because often you find yourselves there with no time to prepare.

  5. WE have them in each waiting room of our hospital. It is a great boon!!

  6. Just charging stations from what I have seen with Usb ports.

  7. I have seen similar ones - including in the waiting areas in the surgical center I was just in. Cords and charging stations. Maybe it's a sign of the way things will be everywhere.

  8. I have not seen charging stations out in public places but (and thank goodness) I haven't been in any hospital/surgical waiting centers lately.

  9. No but it is a wonderful convenience for those waiting hours for a loved one!


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