Ready or Not!

Usually the weather service is reliable, so it’s time to pull out the sweaters and wool socks because ready or not winter weather is coming! 


  1. It sure does look that way!! Stay warm!!!

  2. Whoa.....I do love winter but I'm not ready for snow quite yet. I did pull out some sweaters and hats for a wash. Maybe I better get the coat out for a cleaning too. It's been unusually cold here this week. I've got the heat on. One day AC, next day heat. It's crazy.

  3. Oh, ick! I know it's coming. The mountains around Spokane have already had snow, but I'm not ready for it here. The choice is not mine to make. Out come the warm coats! :-)

  4. Wow--that's a surprise for me to hear! We've only just made it to Autumn! lol So glad you are prepared with woolens!

  5. Good thing you have puzzles, knitting, and quilting to keep you busy and entertained. Stay safe and warm.

  6. Oh boy. It's time to dig out some warmer clothing. Welcome to wool sock weather for sure.

  7. Our temps dropped dramatically this week. I've been trying very hard not to turn the furnace on!


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