Land and Liberty

Tierra y Libertad (Land and Liberty) 
119 S. First Street, Laramie, WY 
by Talal Cockar in 2011


  1. It's beautiful! I'm amazed at all of the murals you have in Laramie.

  2. Beautiful mural. I think I would also like to check out that bookstore.

  3. That's an awesome mural. A local artist painted a new mural on the side of a flower shop a few blocks from my house. It now looks like a field of wildflowers. And our local newspaper even had a story about it this week.

  4. You have the BEST murals where you live Nancy! Like Dee, I would check out the bookstore...also the natural foods store!

  5. I've been slacking here. I do tend to check your blog every once in a while but today I was surprised you are back at it. -- and evidently have been for several weeks. Welcome back. I'll be reading your previous blogs but not necessarily commenting. I'm glad to see you back here.

  6. It really does transform the place!

  7. What a beautiful mural. It's been years since I've been in Laramie but I do remember visiting a very nice independent bookstore. I wonder if it was the one pictured in your photo.

  8. I get intimidated with my small 16" x 20" canvas--I can't imagine painting something so large AND beautiful!


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