Happy Dancing!

You may remember I mentioned last year the USPS lost a package containing two Quilts of Valor being returned by a volunteer longarmer from Wisconsin. 

I had given up hope of ever seeing the quilts again because our efforts to find the package were unsuccessful. 

Then . . . Last week, nine months after the package was lost, I got the following email

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Hi Nancy,

I have some good news and quite a story behind it.  The two lost QOV quilts from last October have been found and are back in my possession!!  

Here's the story...I received a call a few days ago from a lady in southern Minnesota. Seems your QOV quilts found their way to the donation bin for their church.  She said they get a lot of donations and are never exactly sure where something comes from. But the ladies noticed a beautiful unfinished quilt and thought it was just someone cleaning out "Grandma's things."  One of the ladies even took it home and finished the quilt while they were trying to determine how they wanted to use it--either donating to a woman's shelter or raffling it off for a fundraiser.

It wasn't until a few months later that another beautiful unfinished quilt came in and this time they realized this wasn't just someone donating "Grandma's things."  It's a good thing that when I send quilts back after completing the longarm service, I always package them in separate zip-lock bags with my business card inserted.  When the second quilt came in, they took notice of my business card and felt they needed to know the story behind these beautiful quilts.  So a very nice lady by the name of Jackie called me and we had a wonderful chat, each of us sharing our story behind the lost quilts.  

I never realized that USPS donates unclaimed items that they are unable to deliver.  It seems that when I submitted the search request for the lost package, USPS didn't try too hard to find it.  I'm just happy the quilts found their way to some awesome ladies that felt the need to know the rest of the story.  

So...I will be sending these quilts to you so you can continue with your process to donate the completed quilts to QOV.  I just want to confirm your address hasn't changed and I will get these on their way back to you...a second time.  😀    

Jeanine K

* * * * *

As you can imagine, I am elated the quilts were rescued, and I’m doing a Happy Dance. The quilts arrived on Tuesday, and it appears this journey to Wyoming was quick and uneventful. 

Jeanine has generously sent two replacement quilts to the group to aid in their programs for the local women’s shelter and the homeless. I sent a monetary donation to help with their local missions.

I have no doubt God played a role in rescuing the two QOV, and I believe the quilts are intended for two very special veterans.


  1. Oh my - that is an amazing story. How wonderful the quilts ended up where they did, and with people who followed up. Good people all around. Our QOV group was "gifted" a quilt last year that a local veteran picked up at a local rummage sale. When he explained to the seller what it was they just gave it to him. Said they had no idea how they ended up with it as the elderly parent whose things were on the sale was not a veteran. The QOV label had the maker's name and city but no veteran's name. I managed to do some searching and found the maker in Iowa. She remembered the quilt and who it had been given to. I shipped the quilt to her, and she was going to either return it to the family or give it to another veteran. Proves there are good folks all over the country.

  2. What a story!!! What luck!
    I had a lost and found quilt once. Years ago when I taught 3rd grade for one year we had a quilt auction as a school fund raiser. Most classes made paper quilts but my class made a real one. It was widely admired and I thought it was auctioned off. Years later, right before I was to retire I was helping our esol teacher clean out her room as she was leaving also. In the bottom of the closet on the floor in a dirty heap was the quilt we had worked so hard on. She had no idea how it got there but it had been there from the day she moved into the room. I asked her if I could have it and she said yes. I've got it here now. Patched and cleaned up as it was a real mess. It must have seen some things...lol.

  3. Wow! That's amazing. I love that you both gave back to the church too. That's wonderful.

  4. What a story! Also Sara and Debbies stories too. They shows that there are really good people out there who do care. We too often only hear the bad. Thank you for your donation to the group. I love hearing happy endings.

  5. Happy to know that the lost have been found. Maybe their story can go with them so whoever received them knows how special they are. SO

  6. What a great story! So glad you got them back. I did not know about the postal service donating lost items.

  7. My goodness, that's an interesting story. But you have to wonder why the quilts weren't delivered correctly tly in the first place.

  8. PS. I love Snoopy and Woodstock.

  9. That is quite a story. I had no idea that USPS donates items they are unable to deliver. I wonder how hard they try to find the right owner/destination. At any rate, I can see why you are doing a happy dance.

  10. What wonderful news!!! You must be beyond thrilled.

  11. What an amazing journey! I can't believe you have them back!!!! Dancing a happy dance with you!!!

  12. What a story -- it is heartwarming that so many good people were able to find the quilts and get them back where they belonged. So nice of you to contribute to their cause too. Now I'm looking forward to seeing these two quilts one of these days.

  13. That’s Great Nancy! I’m so glad they were found!


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