Scrap Management

Stacks of cut scraps

Last Friday and Saturday, I cut and cut and cut all the fabric pieces smaller than a Fat Quarter into sizes I frequently use - 6.5, 5, 4.5, 3.5, and 2.5 inches. The stacks grew as I worked on neutrals, reds, and finally blues. 

I have plans for some of these scraps, but others will marinate for a bit until I decide how to use them. I REALLY need to do this after every project, but it’s more convenient to just fold and put the fabrics in baskets and out of sight. 


  1. That's a very organized batch of QOV parts. My QOV scraps have gotten out of hand again, so it's time for me to do some similar organizing.

  2. That must be such a good feeling. I'd love to get into my stash and organize it better. It's a big mess right now.

  3. How neat it all looks! Time to dig in and make another top!

  4. Your table looks very organized with the cut fabric in nice neat piles.

  5. Scrap mountain is growing again at my house. I try to do it after each project, but it doesn't always happen. I have a basket that collects the leftovers, and it's overflowing at the moment!

  6. What a great way to manage your scraps. I sort mine by color but they are in all sorts of shapes and sizes. I also don't make nearly as many quilts as in the past.


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