Stacked Stars

Stacked Stars
61 x 72 inches
Quilt of Valor #237

Stacked Stars was made using Lisa Sutherland’s Huzzah #4 pattern. I used a cheater fabric for the center column instead of piecing the red/white stripes called for in the pattern. A lot of the fabric used in this quilt was donated by Ann D. in February of this year. Thank you, Ann for making this QOV possible. 

Update: November 2024

awarded to Oscar L. 
Eppson Center presentation 


  1. This is a great top--such nice work on the color combinations!!! Huzzah is right!

  2. I really like this one, and it gives me an idea for a stripe fabric we were given. Great job!

  3. It's lovely! Those stars are so perfect. I really need to master that because they look so darn good.

  4. OH how pretty!! I love the linear lines...just perfect!

  5. I love this one! You are so talented!

  6. What an interesting pattern. I have always loved star blocks. This quilt is very striking.

  7. Nice quilt. I think you were very clever to use the strip of fabric that looks like you've sewn a lot of strips together. Thanks for sharing the pattern. It really is a nice design. Hum, I wonder if I have enough of a red with a white stripe to be able to make a quilt like this. I might have to fudge a little but the thick stripes would look good this way. Time will tell if I give it a try.

  8. The center piece does look like you sewed a bunch of pieces together. The entire quilt is very pleasing to my eye. Nicely done Nancy.


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