Gemstone Stars - completed

Gemstone Stars
61 x 76 inches
Quilt of Valor #206

I added a small white frame around the stars and then a black star-studded border to bring the quilt up to QOV size requirements. The black border fabric was donated by Karen M. In July. 


  1. This is another one that makes my eyes "jump!!" I like it and the border fabric is just perfect Nancy!

  2. I like the white space on this one. Very pretty.

  3. A perfect border for the quilt! So pretty.

  4. The border really pulls it together. Another beautiful quilt!

  5. Nancy!!!!! It is amazing. So sharp

  6. Nice finish!! I really like all the small squares with stars and flags...perfect!

  7. The darker border is the perfect choice!! I really like this design-it sparkles!

  8. Very pretty!!! I like the scrappy and how its all tied together!

  9. What a GREAT quilt! And yea! for getting it finished. I take it the blocks are 12" finished? I'm sure I have 2.5" squares that I can sew together to make this! In fact I may have a bunch finished already. Thanks for sharing the project.


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