Shopping List Extras

What two comfort foods were on your 
COVID-19 confinement, shopping list?

I purchased microwave popcorn and Tootsie Roll Midgees.


  1. Hmmm, Fletch got dark chocolate with almonds and Reese's mini peanut butter cups. I got wine and fresh produce!

  2. Ohhh Tootsie rolls! Our treat was ......dare I say it : Flourless chocolate cake.

  3. Definitely chocolate! But it's gone already. My husband just went to the store with my short list and I'm guessing he'll come home with all kinds of junk food that wasn't on the list. Guess that's OK too. He usually buys stuff I don't like maybe so he doesn't have to share. LOL

  4. Pat went today — no meat (or at least the ground beef or bacon), almost out of milk, no TP. My request today was chocolate sauce for ice cream. And nuts which we usually get at Costco. I was smart about 4 weeks ago and started buying more than normal. We usually have a fairly empty upright freezer. Now it’s half full. Pantry is small but stuffed full. The other weird thing that was out was flour. He got the last bag of flour — a 2 lb bag of self riding flour. I’ll use it for sure but probably not this week. I think it’s time for a nap!

  5. Special Dark Chocolate for Far Guy and Fritos we have a big box of microwave popcorn or I would have bought that I also bought a bunch of apples:)


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