Not So Fast . . .

Still another month or maybe even two months before "actual spring."


  1. LOL...thank you for my first big belly laugh of the day. So true here and probably even more so in your neck of the woods.

  2. Yup - yesterday was Fool's Spring at 68 and sunny. Today it's grey cold and expecting some light snow again for the next week at least.

  3. That's what happens here too usually but this year it came to stay. 72 tomorrow. It's already too hot for me and my allergies. This summer is going to be brutal if this keeps up.

  4. Yep. We've had a lovely few weeks of 40's and even a few 50's. Tomorrow and Saturday 3-7 inches of snow. And cold. Coldest temperatures of winter are predicted. Oh well. It happens most years doesn't it?

  5. Oh dear! And, I had forgotten about mud season (see that more in Vermont than we do here in Eastern PA). I couldn't believe there was pollen all over my car the other day!

  6. Yes but we have mud and ice now to add to the mess. Blizzard maybe next week and colder. :)

  7. LOL! We're supposed to have rain and snow here soon, and I hope for the sake of the forsythia and plum trees, that doesn't happen!

  8. Spot on! More snow in Riverton today...should be melted by afternoon. If you don't like the weather...wait 10 minutes.
    Stay well.

  9. Oh my goodness you nailed it. I am being fooled by some daffodils shoots coming up today! it was 60 for 5 minutes today! lol. I cleaned the bird feeders.

  10. Those teaser days wreak havoc with our hopes-sorry!

  11. Yup! It's been warm the last few days and my roses are starting to sprout... I really hope we don't get a nasty cold snap. It's too early for them for sure!


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