Pointed Fun - clue #1

nine, churn dash blocks
March 2020
Clue #1 of Pointed Fun was released and completed on Wednesday. Marilyn and I sewed together via Face Time in the afternoon: she worked on a pieced quilt border while I assembled the nine, churn dash blocks for the mystery QAL.

The blocks are 13 inches unfinished.


  1. It always surprised me how so many quilt blocks can be optical illusions. I like this one. So, the above block is 39" by 39"? How many will there be?

  2. You really pounded these out quickly! I like the colors for this so far!

  3. Very pretty churn dash blocks. Love the idea of quilting together via FaceTime. Good idea!

  4. I like that name. Churn dash! I don't think I had ever heard it before, but then I'm not a quilter. It's a beautiful block and will be a beautiful quilt.
    I'm SO grateful for my hobbies these days.

  5. Face time quilting ...........it's a NEW WORLD! LOL

  6. Fun that you could visit with your sister while quilting! Stay safe Nancy!

  7. Sister quilting! Wheeee! My sister is an artist with watercolor! No one knits but me in my family of origin

  8. Wait...whose doing Pointed fun? You need to lead me astray.


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