Casting Call. . .

Celebrate Freedom
Quilt of Valor
Last week, I explained how Andover #7787-R was the perfect fabric to add width to the narrow flag panel. I wanted to do something similar, using the stars with the red background. The red strip was nearly two inches smaller than the blue strip, so I needed to find some yardage in my stash that would complement it. I found two pieces of blue yardage that I thought would work.

Whenever I am working on a quilt, I often "audition" fabric by laying it out on the floor. Sometimes, I take photos and see what appeals to my eye. If I am uncertain of my choice, I ask for opinions from my sisters, my niece, and friends.

Can you guess which blue fabric I used for the borders on Celebrate Freedom? Check back tomorrow to see the result.


  1. That is beautiful, Nancy. How you have a good and productive Monday.

  2. I'm thinking you chose the stronger blue, but either could work. I do the same thing to audition fabrics. I also sometimes take a photo and change it to black and white to make sure I have the right amount of contrast. This one will be another beautiful QOV.

  3. That is how I audition fabrics design floor, LOL! I really enjoy seeing your quilts of valor!

  4. I'm guessing the deeper blue fabric. I like that you set up auditions! LOL. That relates back to your earlier career quite well.

  5. I hope it's the darker blue. I audition fabrics too, often leaving them on my design wall for a week before I decide so I get used to looking at them and figuring out what works and what doesn't.

  6. My guess would be the darker blue. It catches the eye and doesn't wash out the other colors. As always Nancy, a beautiful quilt!

  7. I'd go with the darker blue also. I sure do like that panel!

  8. I like the darker blue too. I had an old quilter woman tell me one time to make a spy glass out of my index finger and my thumb...make a tiny circle. I tuck my index finger into the base of my thumb...then look through the small hole...what doesn't work will obvious. I have used this on occasion:)

  9. Since I'm reading backwards I know what color you chose. And it looks great. Auditioning colors sometimes makes the quilt.


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