Hell's Half Acre

Hell's Half Acre
approximately 1976
Once a restaurant stood on the edge of the hill, and its deck showcased the scene below: Hell's Half Acre.

It was a good place to stretch road-weary legs, browse the souvenir shop for tacky trinkets, use the restroom, buy a snack or eat a meal. The restaurant is long gone, and the site that once drew crowds is barely noticed by the passing motorists.

Hell's Half Acre
approximately 1976
Hell's Half Acre
Wyoming - approximately 1976
Those who stopped even saw the devil, peering out of one of the caves.
Hell's Half Acre
approximate 1976
Science fiction movie fans may recognize the scenery as the "bug planet," in Starship Troopers, but to Wyomingites, it will always be Hell's Half Acre.


  1. I never saw that movie, but the landscape does look like it could be on a different planet.

  2. How sad that the restaurant is no longer there. Would have been great to do that.

  3. I love TACKY trinkets.. Perfectly put

  4. A really good post on Hell's Half Acre. It's true, now that the souvenir shop and other buildings are gone, I don't even look that direction as I pass it by.

  5. Wow! That is some rugged landscape!

  6. I trekked through many extreme mountains, but nothing like Hell's Half Acre!! It is beautiful and scary at the same time!

  7. Interesting...now that restaurant would of been on list to stop at!!

  8. Stunning. I'm no sci-fi fan, so I don't get that reference, but it's quite impressive, and I bet it was lovely from the restaurant. Pity it's gone.

  9. Chuckling! Always something to see on your blog. Have you done any sewing?

  10. It was also the location of the ending of the 1984 John Carpenter movie "Starman" with Jeff Bridges and Karen Allen. I have stopped there but not for years. Sad that everything is closed. Are the buildings still there or torn down?

  11. I love exploring those interesting natural features as we travel. Will have to add this one to my list. We are hoping to do another trip out west sometime in the near future.

  12. Interesting? Has the landscape changed much since 1976...besides the missing buildings?


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