Grandpa's Visit

Grandpa Eberle
near Pavillion, WY
taken sometime in the mid to late 1950s
Grandpa Eberle was the only grandparent I knew, and he was a character. He did not like having his photo taken and would often run from the camera, which is why I cherish these two photos taken when he came to Wyoming for an extended stay.

He smoked cigarettes with a cigaretter holder, which he is holding in his left hand.

(The building over Grandpa's right shoulder was the chicken house which my brother Rich converted into a game room in the late 1970s. Barely visible to the right of the tree is the front of the school bus that Rich drove for several years. He had a regular route but also drove the pep club to regional and state tournaments.)

Grandpa Eberle and grand daughter Evelyn
Grandpa Eberle loved to play canasta, but he couldn't always be trusted: he sometimes passed cards under the table to his partner. Grandpa also loved to play the Mill Game.

He was born in Grosliebenthol, Bessarabia (southern Russia) in 1877 and died in Edgemont, South Dakota in 1962 at the age of 85. He immigrated to America with his wife and young family (3 1/2 year old Emily, 1 1/2 year old Margaret, and a baby Otto in the womb) in 1906. Grandpa Eberle homesteaded in South Dakota in 1911 and became a US citizen in 1921.


  1. Wonderful pictures. I think all grandpas must be the same --- they look so serious in EVERY picture.

  2. I love the old photographs and the memories attached to them.

  3. I love those photos! And I love that you know the history of your family - birthdays, where born, immigrated, etc. It's a wonderful thing to share - not only for your readers, but for your family who can find it someday in the future when nobody remembers any more. g

  4. These are two wonderful pictures of your grandfather. Sounds like he was quite a character, cheating at cards! Ha. How interesting that he came from southern Russia. My grandmother on my mom's side immigrated from Prussia when she was 4 years old. So many from that area made a home in the midwest of the USA. They were hardy folk!

  5. You are fortunate! I never knew any of my grandparents but thanks to my Mom I have beloved pictures of them and great stories to tell my grandchildren.

  6. From Russia to North Dakota, what a journey! My great-grandparents immigrated from somewhere in Germany, I've been meaning to find out more during reunions (but my grandma is a little scary). Your grandfather sounded like such a character! I especially love his card playing antics.

  7. Grandparents are so special in our lives. Loved the story of him coming from Russia and his card playing. Great pictures and memories.
    Rebel Follower

  8. So Fun to see your grandpa. Cheater at cards! HA!! that's funny.

  9. Fun photos of your Grandpa! Love the wagon wheels and that car in the background..looks almost like a Desoto but I bet it was a a Plymouth of some kind. Of course I like looking around in the old black and whites:)


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