Accept No Excuses

Knit Rocking Chair
designed by students at Swiss University ECAL

No doubt you have heard, "I don't have time to knit" from your friends as many times as I have. Like me, you probably try to knit while watching TV or in a waiting room; thus, using time that would normally have been wasted.

Still our friends insist that they don't have time to pick up their needles. Clever inventors have created the means for those individuals to knit with minimal effort.

Now those who want to relax and read the evening paper before dinner can actually knit a few rows to a stocking hat. (Note the red object about the man's head. As he rocks, the chair knits a stocking hat.) A video demonstration can be seen here.

For those whose day simply doesn't have enough hours to squeeze in some knitting time, this clock might be the solution. However, even the clock has its limits and knits only one stitch an hour.

Clearly, knitting can be done by those who have motivation to create: accept no excuses.


  1. Who would have ever thought of these things....

  2. Ha, ha! I really like the rocking chair knitting machine. And the clock is very clever, too.

  3. Now that's multitasking isn't it? I crochet, and then I rip it all out, and start over again,.....very relaxing. LOL.


  4. Now that's an interesting invention! Made me laugh. So, no excuses for not finding time to knit!

  5. Curious. I'd like to know what - or who - inspired it!

  6. Now, maybe I can knit after all, LOL! Thanks for sharing this!

  7. Wow!! I could knit and nap at the same time (as long as I kept rocking). I need one of those!

  8. How crazy is that! Amazing what they come up with.
    Rebel Follower

  9. Nancy

    Where do you find this interesting amazing stuff?????
    Now If I could find a way to knit while I snore...

  10. Do you think that my professors would mind if I set up that chair during class? That pretty much made my night, thanks!

  11. That is just too funny!!! Who would of thought of that!!

  12. That takes multi-tasking to a new level.


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