Good-bye Summer

Seeing the feather in the pile of leaves on Saturday reminded me of the opening of the movie, Forrest Gump when a feather flutters hither and yon and lightly lands at Forrest's feet. Forrest bends, picks up the feather, and gently places the feather inside his favorite childhood book, Curious George

I'm sure the feather I found nestled among the leaves is from the doves who, all summer, perched in the trees' foliage, their presence revealed only by a soft cooing.

Gone are the warm days of Summer. Gone are the leaves that provided shelter. Gone are the cooing doves. . . Winter's silence settles around me.


  1. At some point in my life every season, except winter, has been my favorite. This year I will try to find things to like about winter, but it will be hard. Just reading that last paragraph fills me with dread.

  2. That is one of the things I will miss the most!! It is cooler here in FL but it is just not the same without
    the crisp and crunchy leaves! I am envious of you right now.

  3. So much heat in Texas! I am thrilled by winter's soft sounds descending around me!

  4. I am ready for the fall weather. We are still in the 80s. I love the picture.

  5. Great Picture...yes summer is can feel the fall all around!

  6. Pretty photo! Looks like you are prepared for winter...that helps. Here they're watching out for the weekend of a possibility of snow too....hate to see winter come too early. Think we're in for another bad one (winter)...stay warm :)

  7. awwww. a feather!

    Today is sunny and somewhat of our last ones of the year I am sure. A woods walk was in order and I missed my old Huck pal a lot.


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