Printed Distraction

While trying to elude an approaching cold, I've been reading the book my sister gave me for Christmas, and it is a quick read. The book brought back memories of the Nancy Drew books I read as a child.

I didn't realize until I did some research on this super sleuth that the books were written by different ghost writers but under the pseudonym, Carolyn Keene.

Have you read many of the Nancy Drew books?


  1. Nancy Drew mysteries were some of the first "chapter books" I ever read. I was probably in 4th grade when my mom introduced me to them. I read her copies from the 1950s and my aunt's copies from the 60s and I added new titles to the collection in the 70s. I read every book that was available at the time. I love Nancy Drew.

  2. I don't think I have ever read a Nancy Drew mystery. :-( Shame on me!
    I preferred the "Stories From ..." They were stories from other countries.
    Feel better soon. And don't catch that cold!

  3. shame on me too. I haven't read them either. But my daughters love Nancy! They were one of those books I always wished I'd read so when my oldest began showing an interest in mysteries (she started with Cam Jansen) I began buying Nancy Drew. We own many, but not all. Thank heavens for the library! Both older girls were sad to learn that Carolyn Keene wasn't a real person. I regretted telling them when I found out a few years ago. Same is true of the Hardy Boys author. Frank something, I think.

  4. I read some Nancy Drew, but my favorites were the Bobbsey twin books. They were also produced by a stable of writers writing under the pseudonym of Laura Lee Hope. I spent a lot of my allowance money buying them back in the 60's.

  5. i love these type of books with knitting or crochet involved mysteries..


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