Bamboo Forest Mural

bamboo mural
in the alley between University, Ivinson and 
First and Second Streets
Laramie, WY

Check out the detail on this mural. I love how the metal pipe and the electrical meter are incorporated into the design. 


  1. I think this one might be one of my favorites! Genius how they worked in the utility boxes!

    Wouldn't that be pretty as a quilt pattern?

  2. What a great mural. I noticed the boxes right away. Great ideas.

  3. Very nice job-what a joy to see as you walk along looking for a parking spot! lol

  4. How clever is that?

  5. Fun. The town of Laramie is full of surprises.

  6. So clever. You seem to have such a lot of artwork in your town/city, sorry but I dont know which category Laramie is in. Public art certainly is well appreciated, wherever we live.

  7. This one is really interesting and the artist was very clever to include the pole into the design. Thanks for sharing!!


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