Automotive Mural

mural on the south side of the NAPA Auto Parts store
on south 2nd Street, Laramie, WY

The mural on the NAPA Auto Parts Store has both a vintage and a modern look. Auto parts are sold for all makes of vehicles, so the mural is a good representation of the business. 


  1. So much better than a blank brick wall!!!! Fantastic appeal!

  2. Pretty cool - Fletch will like seeing this one.

  3. Way cool too bad there aren't some real old cars!

  4. Another awesome mural. I especially like how the artist did the old car on the far right.

  5. I love seeing all of the murals around Laramie. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  6. ooh the napa that was near us in Illinois, they were such nice people. I miss that here!

  7. Obviously Cindy and I think along the same lines. LOL SO much better than just a blank wall.


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