Silver Linings - an Update

Silver Linings hat in progress
January 2020

The Silver Lining hat (started in December) is progressing at a steady rate. It's mindless knitting, round and round in helical stripes. The color change is the opposite end of the double-sided hat. I love how the two self-striping yarns are creating an interesting design at this end. I need to knit about four more inches before I can start the decreasing. Hopefully, this project will be finished by the end of the month. 


  1. This is beautiful knitting--I love the color combinations (warm and cool!) It's coming along!

  2. Such pretty yarn colors and it looks very soft.

  3. Your picture makes me want to knit this hat. I will look through my stash to see if I can find two yarns that will look good together. I love the colors you have chosen.

  4. It's looking great. Like Vera said - this makes me want to make one!

  5. I love a double sided hat. I've made one and I need more. It's the only one that really keeps the cold wind off your head. When I have a headache I sleep in

  6. What a pretty hat. It's going to be so warm and snuggly.

  7. Oh Nancy! I have forgotten about helical striping. It is so fun. Hmmmm. Yours is gorgeous.

  8. Neat looking hat. I have hardly worn a hat or gloves this winter. Today’s cold but we are staying inside.

  9. And I thought it was a sweater! It should be a very warm colorful hat!


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