Knit-worthy Friends

Cowgirl Yarn knitting group
January 2021

Bernie even made an appearance in Laramie last week. He was spotted on the Cowgirl Yarn Facebook page just hanging out with friends. 

Bernie knows the benefit of a good pair of wooly mittens: he's definitely "knit-worthy"


  1. These memes have been such a breath of fresh air this past week, just when we need it. And he has gone along in good humor. I love the mittens! I saw some of these at a small craft show right before Christmas and they sure looked warm.

  2. Boy! That Bernie sure does get around. LOL

  3. I do like a man who appreciates a good knit! lol

  4. I have been loving all of these memes. He even showed up at the church we were married at in Omaha yesterday. He gets around!

  5. Bernie is EVERYWHERE!!! And he is happy to be everywhere! The memes are fun. I love the name cowgirl yarns.

  6. I love those memes. I've gotten to the finger decreases in my first Bernie mitten and they are a challenge. They look so simple but there's lots of color changes and that thumb gusset in colorwork....oh, my.

  7. It is such a fun run!!!! I love that mask group at the knit shop!


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