Dear Congress . . .

Arnold Schwarzenegger released an amazing video message yesterday: it's worth watching and sharing.


  1. I saw his video yesterday, Nancy. It is such a good message -- and I thank you for sharing! (If only more ears would hear it.) XO

  2. Excellent words - and I sure wish that they would sink in to ALL of our leadership both in DC and in my own state capital. Our governor said on Friday that we all need to be more careful about how we speak to each other. And on Saturday she called a couple of new Democratic senators communists. How quickly she forgot her own words - guess that suggests she didn't really mean what she said on Friday.

  3. Thanks for posting this. It is powerful and hits home.

  4. Thank you for posting this. This video needs to be spread far and wide.

    What bothers me most is how many senators/representatives NOW denounce the president. They are like rats leaving a sinking ship. They are desperate to save what is left of the tatters of their reputation. We will not forget when they come up for reelection.

  5. Excellent and powerful - thank you for sharing. I wish more people would see/hear this.

  6. Thank you for sharing this Nancy. Powerful words.

  7. Very powerful indeed. The sort of words a president should be saying to his people, instead of hiding away plotting even more evil.

  8. Violence is violence. Why was no one upset last summer in Minneapolis when a Police Station was burned to the ground and in Portland...??? I don't get it. They were all quiet last week is supposed to be so terrible...why were the Police not doing there that is a really good question...I don't buy all the media hype. I am not upset...or mad...or sad. Violence is violence all the same....and should be dealt with fairly. We have gone past "All men are created equal"

  9. Nancy, Someone posted a similar thing, about why was no one upset about Seattle Black Lives matter post. to a post of mine. Who said we weren't? OF course we were. I feel like I know your heart Nancy after so many posts and reads together. You are a caring and peaceful woman. You are devoted to Veterans . You are a patriot. I love you~

  10. No one in Washington that is called a public servant is working with a servants heart anymore! Most have them have been there way to long and we need fresh blood fresher ideas. Maybe that’s where change should start.

  11. My husband and I love this video. It's so great that he talks about Austria. Governments really do get toppled!

  12. Wow... very powerful words made more so because of what he lived through. Glad to see that commenters are being open to this (or at least most are.) Thanks for sharing it. I hadn't seen it before. (And, I'm late coming to it too.)


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